About Us
Craig Powell, President
Craig has over 40 years of construction experience, with 36 of that being within the saltwater and freshwater shorelines of Puget Sound. With the use of his engineering background and in field experience, he has designed and installed hard armored bulkheads, soft bank protection, drainage systems, log jams, bulkhead removals and beach or stream restorations.
Sandy Powell, Vice President
Sandy has been co-owner of Sealevel with Craig for 36 years and completes requirements for contracts with clients, establishing accounts with vendors, permitting projects, insurance and bonding needs on projects and oversight for employees.
Jennifer Rotsten, Officer
Jennifer graduated from Huxley College of the Environment in 2003 with a degree in Environmental Economics and came on board that same year to handle project permitting. Since then, she continues to coordinate the design of projects based on the local, state and federal regulations applicable to the project along with contract and submittal requirements for projects. She currently holds a seat on the Hydraulic Code Implementation Citizen Advisory Group in Olympia for Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, representing contractors working within the waterbodies of the State.